AI-Imaginings: 3) Fantastical Parties

Most of these AI images were created with prompt like:
“Photo of a [wild] cosmic [psychedelic] [disco | underground rave] party for ________” Continue reading AI-Imaginings: 3) Fantastical Parties
Collaboratively Outgrowing The Corporate-Industrial Complex
Most of these AI images were created with prompt like:
“Photo of a [wild] cosmic [psychedelic] [disco | underground rave] party for ________” Continue reading AI-Imaginings: 3) Fantastical Parties
audio/notes: On Thursday nights, Media Monarchy joins Corbett Report Radio live on Republic Broadcasting to go over all the latest stories from the world of food, environment and health. This week covers the stupor bowl, bees, pink slime and Continue reading Food World Order: Episode007 – Stupor Bowl Binge (February 2, 2012)