The Lesko Bros Raw Video Archive

Lesko Bros 1st Testimony Against Cigarette Vending Machines Morgan and Max Lesko testify in favor of Montgomery County Council bill #5-91, Tobacco Products and Vending Machines. Maryland, 1991. The Lesko Brothers describe their independently inspired and executed sting operations to Continue reading The Lesko Bros Raw Video Archive

Presidents’ U.N.Speak (a doublespeak remix by WWO)

Presidents' U.N.Speak

Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc, as history keeps repeating. This is a history lesson on the last century of terror, empire, and doublespeak via the United Nations. A video puzzle and thought experiment. Full-Length Remix: 5 Minute Teaser With Music: Continue reading Presidents’ U.N.Speak (a doublespeak remix by WWO)