Reagan: We’re In The Gulf For Oil

Reagan @UN, 1987: "For 40 years the United States has made it clear, its vital interest in the security of the Persian Gulf and the countries that border it. The oil reserves there are of strategic importance to the economies of the free world. We're committed to maintaining the free flow of this oil and to preventing the domination of the region by any hostile power. ... When the tension diminishes, so will our presence."

Times Which Were Perhaps More Honest Reagan at the United Nations, 1987: “For 40 years the United States has made it clear, its vital interest in the security of the Persian Gulf and the countries that border it. The oil Continue reading Reagan: We’re In The Gulf For Oil

Presidents’ U.N.Speak (a doublespeak remix by WWO)

Presidents' U.N.Speak

Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc, as history keeps repeating. This is a history lesson on the last century of terror, empire, and doublespeak via the United Nations. A video puzzle and thought experiment. Full-Length Remix: 5 Minute Teaser With Music: Continue reading Presidents’ U.N.Speak (a doublespeak remix by WWO)