Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 7.22.2013

Re-posted from the amazing Tragedy and Hope Community, my favorite source for alternative thought and information in the world. Please check it out, sign up, participate, and support today! (Video) History… The Last Will of Cecil Rhodes and the Anglo-American Establishment (Video) Gnostic Media episode #169: Continue reading Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 7.22.2013

The Five Fundamentals of NVC: Transform Conflicts into Oppourtunities for Intimacy – by Kind Communication

Re-posted From: This is part four of a five part series on the fundamentals of compassionate consciousness.   In the first entry, I wrote about how to listen to your own feelings and needs.  In the second entry, I wrote about how after Continue reading The Five Fundamentals of NVC: Transform Conflicts into Oppourtunities for Intimacy – by Kind Communication

Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 7.14.2013

Re-posted from the amazing Tragedy and Hope Community, my favorite source for alternative thought and information in the world. Please check it out, sign up, participate, and support today! (Video) History… Connected: Merging the Trivium Method with Non-Violent Communication (NVC) (Audio) Unplugged Mom podcast: Nonviolent Communication with Continue reading Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 7.14.2013

Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 7.4.2013

Re-posted from the amazing Tragedy and Hope Community, my favorite source for alternative thought and information in the world. Please check it out, sign up, participate, and support today! (Video) Richard Grove interviewed by Rob Dew on the Infowars Nightly News: Whistleblowing, Public Education and Continue reading Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 7.4.2013

The Five Fundamentals of NVC: Let Your Guard Down, Be Vulnerable – by Kind Communication

Re-posted From: This is part three of a five part series on the fundamentals of compassionate consciousness.  In the first entry, I wrote about how to listen to our feelings and needs.  And in the second entry, I wrote about how after Continue reading The Five Fundamentals of NVC: Let Your Guard Down, Be Vulnerable – by Kind Communication

Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 6.23.2013

Re-posted from the amazing Tragedy and Hope Community, my favorite source for alternative thought and information in the world. Please check it out, sign up, participate, and support today! (Video) History… The Origins of the U.S. Intelligence Community & Why It Spies o… (Video) James Corbett Continue reading Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 6.23.2013

Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 6.16.2013

Re-posted from the amazing Tragedy and Hope Community, my favorite source for alternative thought and information in the world. Please check it out, sign up, participate, and support today! (Video) History… Interview: Jason Bermas “Transitioning from Apathy to Activism in the Digital … (Video) How to Continue reading Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 6.16.2013

The Five Fundamentals of NVC: See, Accept, and Embrace the Other – by Kind Communication

Re-posted From: This is part two of a five part series on the fundamentals of compassionate consciousness.  In the first entry, I wrote about how to listen to our feelings and needs.  And now once we hear our own feelings and needs, Continue reading The Five Fundamentals of NVC: See, Accept, and Embrace the Other – by Kind Communication

Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 6.9.2013

Re-posted from the amazing Tragedy and Hope Community, my favorite source for alternative thought and information in the world. Please check it out, sign up, participate, and support today! (Video) History… Interview and a Movie: JoyCamp in an Orwellian Brave New World (Video) Richard Grove interviewed Continue reading Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 6.9.2013

Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 6.3.2013

Re-posted from the amazing Tragedy and Hope Community, my favorite source for alternative thought and information in the world. Please check it out, sign up, participate, and support today! (Video) History… interview with G. Edward Griffin “The Individual vs. The Collective” (Audio) Peace Revolution episode #73: First Continue reading Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 6.3.2013