Re-posted from the amazing Tragedy and Hope Community, my favorite source for alternative thought and information in the world. Please check it out, sign up, participate, and support today!
Linked names (below) connect to the T&H member’s profile; linked titles take you to the content.
1. (Audio) Peace Revolution episode #41: The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto / Hour 1 + comme…
2. (Audio) Gnostic Media episode #123: Clint Richardson interview, pt.2 “Lethal Injection: The Story of Vaccination”
3. (Audio) The Corbett Report episode #203: Philosophy of Freedom: Natural Law
4. (Video) James Corbett & James Evan Pilato: New World Next Week – “Eurasian Union, Revolution Prediction, #OccupyPortland”
5. (Video) James Corbett – Eyeopener Preview: Meet In-Q-Tel, The CIA’s Venture Capital Firm (*or, click here to view full video via
6. (Video) James Corbett for GRTV: Behind The Headlines: Japanese Government Insiders Reveal Fukushima Secrets
7. (Audio) James Corbett interviews Rick Rozoff of Stop Nato International: The 10th anniversary of the NATO invasion & occupation of Afgha…
8. (Video) James Corbett GRTV Feature Report: Afghanistan: Ten Years of War
9. (Audio) Media Monarchy episode #234: “this is what democracy looks like”
10. (Audio) Unplugged Mom podcast presents Unplugged Youth: Luke bucks the system
11. (Audio) Meria Heller’s interview with Arjun Makhijani,Ph.D: Fukishima and nuclear fallout