Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 10.31.2014

Tragedy and Hope

Re-posted from the amazing Tragedy and Hope Community, my favorite source for alternative thought and information in the world. Please check it out, sign up, participate, and support today! (Video & Audio) Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock: Tony Continue reading Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 10.31.2014

Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 10.24.2014

Tragedy and Hope

Re-posted from the amazing Tragedy and Hope Community, my favorite source for alternative thought and information in the world. Please check it out, sign up, participate, and support today! (Video & Audio) Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock: Guests: Continue reading Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 10.24.2014

What Are You Responsible For? – by Kind Communication

Re-posted From: You are only responsible for one thing: what you do. This seems simple and clear, and yet I find that a lot of people are confused about what they are responsible for.  Namely, many people I talk Continue reading What Are You Responsible For? – by Kind Communication

Why Do We Disengage? – by Kind Communication

Re-posted From: Disengagement is the number one problem in communication.  Whether it is between parent and child, boss and employee, coworkers, friends, or significant others.  When one person disengages, compassionate communication quickly becomes difficult to near impossible. Disengagement takes Continue reading Why Do We Disengage? – by Kind Communication

Scarcity & Contentment – by Kind Communication

Re-posted From: Scarcity is the belief or mindset of “never enough”.  You know you’re being affected by the mindset of scarcity anytime you think “I’m not good enough” or “I’m not perfect enough” or “I’m never loved enough” or Continue reading Scarcity & Contentment – by Kind Communication

Interconnectedness – by Kind Communication

Re-posted From: Your entire experience is a web of interconnections. What you do impacts those around you.  What others do impact you.  You are currently reading these words on a screen which was built by someone else.  That computer Continue reading Interconnectedness – by Kind Communication

Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 9.6.2014

Tragedy and Hope

Re-posted from the amazing Tragedy and Hope Community, my favorite source for alternative thought and information in the world. Please check it out, sign up, participate, and support today! (Audio) T&H: Peace Revolution episode #84: Builders of Empire: How Continue reading Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 9.6.2014

Five Tools to Practicing Compassion – by Kind Communication

Re-posted From: I want people to have more compassion in their lives.  Most of us were never taught intentional practices for compassion.  Being compassionate (often misconstrued by culture as “being nice”) was often just an ideal set out before Continue reading Five Tools to Practicing Compassion – by Kind Communication

Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 8.22.2014

Tragedy and Hope

Re-posted from the amazing Tragedy and Hope Community, my favorite source for alternative thought and information in the world. Please check it out, sign up, participate, and support today! (Audio) T&H: Peace Revolution episode #84: Builders of Empire: How Continue reading Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 8.22.2014

Admit When You’re Wrong – By Kind Communication

Re-posted From: You are not perfect.  You make mistakes.  Sometimes you’re wrong.  Sometimes you’re the one who went over the top or went too far. And that’s okay. In fact I encourage all my clients to have the courage Continue reading Admit When You’re Wrong – By Kind Communication